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Participanti & Proiecte

AFIN IFN S.A. - Romanian Alternative FINancing Institution Dedicated to Social Enterprises

| Organizator:
    Fundatia ”Alaturi de Voi” Romania
| Sectiune:
    Campanii sociale
| Problema de fond

| Obiectivele campaniei

AFIN IFN S.A. - Romanian Alternative FINancing Institution Dedicated to Social Enterprises AFIN IFN S.A. - Romanian Alternative FINancing Institution Dedicated to Social Enterprises AFIN IFN S.A. - Romanian Alternative FINancing Institution Dedicated to Social Enterprises

| Acoperire

| Rezumat

| Public țintă

| Activitati

| Rezultatele campaniei

| Parteneri

| Despre organizator

| Website proiect

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Site dezvoltat de Netvibes